Race Matters Friends Public Meetings

Independent Meetings
Race Matters, Friends frequently conducts interviews and small group meetings with collaborative activists,  organizations, local government officials, members of the community, professionals, etc. Provided that the meeting is recorded, it will be uploaded to our YouTube library once it has been redacted and edited.

If a particular meeting topic garners enough attention, Race Matters, Friends may consider supporting small group efforts to further discussion, including hosting Zoom space and additional resources.


Race Matters, Friends is working to develop space for virtual socials on Zoom. Any social will require a dedicated RMF moderator to uphold standards of conduct. These meetings will be largely participant-driven and may make use of breakout rooms for side conversation.
Outside of Meetings: 

Much of our work takes place outside of meetings. Joining an ongoing effort is a great way to learn more about our work. If there is something you love to do, there is almost certainly a way that you can use that skill with RMF. Watch for Facebook and racematterscomo email list appeals for volunteers. 

Public Speaking: RMF began speaking regularly at City Council meetings in August of 2015 and continues to do so. Policing has been at the heart of many of our comments, but we have spoken about a wide range of issues bearing on policies and practices that maintain racial disparities in the city. We need more speakers. Contact: Ginny Muller at [email protected]

Social Media: We engage in advocacy and social action, and we use social and mainstream media to get our message out to the public. Those with social media savvy have helped to improve our information outreach.

The Arts: Artistically inclined members have created poems, quilts and paintings based on what they have learned at RMF. Research: Those with strong research backgrounds have initiated archival research on redlining in Columbia. An analysis of the Vehicle Stops Report is being tackled by those with statistics backgrounds. 

Writing: Preparing comments for social media alerts, City Council Comments, and Letters to the Editor are great tasks for those who like to write.
Being There: Members support RMF’s work at Council by sitting together in Council Chambers to support our speakers as well as listening and learning about the issues discussed by Council. Watch for news of other meetings where we will be participating. 

Criminal Justice: Our work in criminal justice includes court observation, attending meetings of the Citizen’s Police Review Board and other public events related to criminal justice. 

Book Club: We encounter so many relevant books. Someone could organize a book discussion group (or just read one on your own) and then report out to the rest of us.

We hope you will find your time with RMF to be stimulating, expansive and joyful. It is hard and challenging work. We invite you to broaden your perspective on what it means to be an American, what it means to be a citizen of Columbia, and what it means to create the Beloved Community. Join us!
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Race Matters Friends © 2025