CPS Pandemic Survey: Fixed It!

Columbia Public School district has apparently overlooked the larger "community" as it chooses to engage - once again - only with those community members who are parents of students currently in attendance at CPS. The last we checked, everyone's taxes paid their salaries. Everyone's vote appointed the school board members. Everyone should have the opportunity to weigh in on issues - particularly in pandemic response - that affects the entire community.

Just another example of how Stiepleman and upper level Admin do not view the community as partners or shareholders in our shared interests. So, we FIXED IT! Please feel free to respond to CPS with the concerns for public safety that we hold, irrespective of whether you have children currently attending their system. This is a question for all of us to deliberate upon.

Who knows, might even reach someone who could offer up some great ideas towards a workable solution! Guess we'd never know if we didn't ask...

Please respond to the following survey:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Michelle Baumstark <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, May 26, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Subject: COVID-19 Update: We need your input
To: Columbia Public Schools Recipients <[email protected]>

Dear Parents/Guardian:

Every few minutes it seems we’re hearing a new story about events canceling, schools closing, recession coming, borders shutting down, and uncertainty about the future due to Coronavirus/COVID-19.  

We want to stay connected and hear your questions and ideas on how we move forward during this challenging and uncertain time. We’re smarter and better when we harvest the collective wisdom of our community. With that in mind, I am asking you for five minutes today and another five minutes tomorrow to help us plan our continued response to Coronavirus/COVID-19.

Join us in this Thought Exchange. While we will need to follow Health Department guidelines and parameters, the collective knowledge gathered will help inform our planning efforts around COVID-19 and our return in August. 

Here’s the link: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/732329426

Thank you in advance for participating in this conversation.


Peter Stiepleman
Columbia Public Schools

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Columbia Public Schools | 1818 W Worley Street, Columbia, MO 65203 | 573-214-3400

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