
Race Matters, Friends (RMF) will confront Columbia’s history of racial inequities by practicing courage and collaborating with trusted partners to build transformative policies that dismantle disparities in all local institutions and organizations. RMF’s equity work includes focusing on race, class, LGBTQIA+, disability, religion, and other marginalized groups, ethnicities, and cultural groups.


A courageous community that is inclusive, collaborative, and engaged in social equity.


Equity, Learning, Teaching, Pedagogy, Action, Collaboration, Accessibility

What Else

This group also promotes nurturing questions and conversations about racial equity, racism, and structural inequality in Columbia, MO; the United States; and the world. 

About RMF

The Annual General Meeting is held every July for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors and discussion of business. The Board elects the Executive Committee prior to August 30th.

Executive Committee

Susan Renee Carter
Traci Wilson-Kleekamp
Aída Guhlincozzi
Kendra Jackson
Race Matters, Friends is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization supported through donations. Our finances are transparent. Treasurers' Reports will be available on our Financials page. Donations can be accepted here, processed by PayPal; via Facebook  fundraisers; or in person at any of our public events. Please contact us with any questions if you would like to set up a social media fundraiser or event in support of our organization or bail fund project.

Mission and Vision

We envision a future in which there is political and organizational representation that expands on and represents the community, a community in which we have addressed our past of dominance, oppression, genocide, and slavery, and a community in which we welcome all visitors and residents with generous social services and reliable community and individual safety.
Educated kids who become educated adults
• People working together and focusing on learning and doing, and not being tested
• Get people to admit race is a white person creation and problem and find ways to make it better.
• Teachers receive implicit bias training, address subconscious bias.
We want a community who is educated about racial issues, has increased multicultural awareness, that doesn’t tolerate hate, and that has successfully confronted the history of dominance, oppression, genocide, and slavery, and has taken steps to make it better.
Race Matters Friends © 2025